Sports Training And Its Types

Sports Training And Its Types


SPORTS TRAINING AND ITS TYPES:-  Sports training is a special process of preparation of sportspersons based on scientific principles aimed at improving and maintaining higher performance capacity in different sports activities. It is a particular type of training designed to improve fitness and abilities to perform in a given sport. Even more, This also comprises strength in training, corrective and restorative exercises, conditioning, and cardiovascular training. Sports training also covers mental and psychological training and advice on nutritional values.

DEFINITION:- Sports training is a basic form of preparation for sportsmen. By-MATVEYEV.

Sports Training And Its Types



1. IMPROVEMENT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS:The performance in sports generally depends upon the physical fitness of a sports person. Every sports activity needs a specific type of physical fitness, and hence, the improvement of various components of physical and skills related fitness like strength, speed, coordination, endurance, and flexibility is an important aim and objective of sports training.

Sports Training And Its Types

2. ACQUISITION OF SPORTS SKILLS:- This includes motor skills as well as basic movement skills. Fundamental motor skills are prerequisites to the learning of sport-specific techniques. Every sports activity requires to observe certain specific movement procedure to tackle a particular task. This movement procedure is known as a technique and when this technique is learned and perfected, it leads to skill development. Whenever sports persons include technical training, they focus on the acquisition of motor skills relevant to a particular sport. Fundamental motor skills such as jogging, jumping, skip, kick, throwing, catch, and strike are prerequisites to the learning of sport-specific skills of basketball, football, gymnastics, etc.

3. IMPROVEMENT OF TACTICAL EFFICIENCY:- Tactical training is designed to improve various strategies and is based upon analysis of the tactics of opponents. Specific training in sports helps the sportspersons to make the best use of their abilities and techniques so that the chances of success in the competition are increased. The training develops three kinds of tactics: offensive, defensive and high-performance tactics. Tactical science is enhanced by providing the sportspersons with knowledge of rules and repeated opportunities to perfect tactical abilities in them.

4. MENTAL ABILITY:- Improvement of mental abilities is critical for high-level performance in any sport. The training aims at the development of a
positive attitude towards sports and competition, dedication and devotion towards particular sport or event, sincerity and honesty, self-confidence, and optimum level of aspiration.

Sports Training And Its Types


The importance of sport, physical fitness, exercise, and health in enhancing performance, covering the latest advances in researches, training, programmed design, and including injury and rehabilitation from injury.

Focused on those involved in the management and care of sportsmen, or anyone adopting exercise routines for a healthy lifestyle. This cover a range of professionals from coaches and personal trainers, physicians, physiotherapists, sport & exercise scientists, physical education teachers, nutritionists/dietitians, sports coaches, sports psychologists, life coaches, sports therapists, those dealing with sports injuries and rehabilitation and health and fitness professionals and individual.

The performance will appeal to an individual interested in sport, health, fitness, and well-being, particularly in starting to 40 + years groups.

The performance will ll up a gap in the market for a highly respected, research-led hybrid publication providing an unbiased resource to agent young professionals.

Sports Training And Its Types



When people think of physical development for the sport, they normally think of a warming up. However, this covers more than this. It looks at even if the body is physically prepared for specific sports competitions and levels. This includes the pre-selection of athletes that would be ensured, they do not have any health or medical issues conditions that need to be catered for in a training program.

Physical preparation also refers to the athlete’s skill performance and technique. is the athlete can complete the skill correctly and repeatedly? The poor technique causes injury and needs to be corrected for the athlete to be prepared for training, played, or competition. It is also important to examine the physical fitness level essential for the competition and training schedule. Athletes should have the right fitness levels for their particular and specific sport and performance levels.

This is not to say that physical preparation does not include the warm-up, stretching, and cool down, it is just not limited to it.


The main aim of technical preparation is to create and improve sports skills and techniques. Every sports skill has a given way of solving a motor task by the rules of a given sport, bio-mechanical rules, and locomotive possibilities of the athlete which are referred to as technique. Specific individual adjustment of technique by an athlete is referred to as style or skill.

TACTICAL PREPARATION:-Sports Training And Its Types

It is necessary to differentiate between two terms:-

  • A strategy is understood as a pre-arranged plan of action in a specific competition.
  • The plan is denied by some key strategy points. (points in competition when the athlete takes decisions according to given strategy in a so-called connecting situation)
  • Tactics further analyze and show possible solutions to professional and individual competition situations.
  • To be focused on the practical implementation of these situations within the given plan. (strategy)
  • Tactics preparation means according to the demand of the current situation.  (individual, group, team, offensive, defensive)

Implementation of tactical actions is carried out on the following axis:

  • Perception and analysis situation. (situation occurrence – situation recognition – situation analysis)
  • Mental solution. (solution proposal – solution selection)
  • Movement solution. (solution execution, feedback)

Tactics are being solved inside the competition situations which are characterized by conditions.

We can differentiate between two types of conditions:

  • Fixed (sports ground, sports area, equipment, etc.)
  • Changing (referee, audience, route, ball bounce, etc.)

Drilling Tactical Skills

Tactical skills are understood as definite procedures or models of competition situations solutions acquired by training. Acquiring tactical skills presupposes influencing the athletes:

  • Perception (space, rhythm, objects)
  • Thinking and decision-making towards (analysis, synthesis, generalization, intuitive solutions – solutions outside the scope of perception)
  • Knowledge (rules, organization of  sports combat conduct, principles of tactical actions in specific situations, knowledge of strategy)
  • Experience (memory, anticipation)

Psychological Preparation

Psychological preparation aims to make use of psychological findings to increase the effectiveness of other sports training components and, inside the competition,  efficiency at the level equal to the acquired training level. In other words, it attempts to minimize the effects of negative mental influences and at the same time positively influences the athletes’ psyche to reach high sports science.

The approach of psychological preparation deals with:

  • Model training.
  • Regulation of current mental states.
  • Regulation of interpersonal relationships.
  • Influencing the personality of an athlete.

Model Training

The beginning point of model training is theoretical knowledge of the adaptation process from psychology. Adaptation stimuli are represented by situational influences that negatively influence the athlete’s activity with their psychogenic effects.

What follows is that it is necessary to include competition situations “models” within the training. Coach is required to be innovative, creative, like a director, and able to competently influence his trainees who on the other side must co-operate during model training by accepting the rules of the model.

Regulation of Current Mental States

Current mental states can be divided into three-part pre-start, competition, and post-competition.

Pre-start states – They appear when the athlete realizes that he is participating in an important competition. These states gradually melt into in-competition states.

Post-competition states – The are evoked by subjective assessment of the course of the competition and can last for several hours.

The starting point for regulating such states is findings on the activation level of athletes.

Sports Training And Its Types

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