Knox basketball test was constructed by Robert d. Knox for basketball players in the year 1947 at America in Oregon university. Knox basketball test battery consists of four test items. at that time Knox organized this test battery on ten basketball players which included playing members of the team, substitute players, and non-playing members, and compared their scores.
Purpose:- To measure the dribble shoot, speed dribble, speed pass, and their basketball playing ability.
- Basketball court, hurdles, wall, stopwatch, whistle, cups, 3 coins, cones, wall, basketball hoop.
Reliability of Knox basketball test
The reliability of the test item was determined by the test-retest method. The total battery coefficient was 0.88.
Level and Subject
The test was developed for fifty high school boys.
Test Items:
The Knox test consists of four items:-
- Speed Dribble[Dribbling]
- Dribble Shoot[lay-up]
- Speed Pass[passing]
- Penny Cup Test [reaction ability]
Facilities and types of equipment:-
Basketball inflated to 13 pounds, seven obstacles (chairs may be used), a stopwatch, and three tin cups; one pointed blue and one white, and one red (coffee cans may be used).
Speed Dribble Test
The subject places the ball on the start-finish line and then stands back of it, with hands-on knees. With the signal “go” the subject picks up the ball and dribbles down and back through the line of chairs (obstacles) as indicated, in the figure. The watch is started with the signal “go” and is stopped as the subject returns to the start-finish line. The score is the total number of sounds from the command “go” until the subject returns to the start-finish line.

Speed Pass Test
A line is marked on the floor 5 feet from the wall and parallel to it. The subject stands behind the line and rebounds the basketball, from the wall as rapidly as possible fifteen times using the chest pass. The score is the number of seconds from the signal “go” until the ball hits the wall for the fifteenth time. If any rebound requires the subject to take more than one step for recovery, this is repeated.

Dribble Shoot Test
The same testing procedure is followed as required in the speed dribble test, with the exception that three obstacles instead of four are used and that the subject must make a basket before he returns. If he fails to make a basket on the first attempt he must continue shooting until he is successful. Any type of shot may be used, however, the one-handed lay-up seems most appropriate. The score is the number of seconds required to complete the test.

Penny Cup Test
The subject stands in starting line with his back to the cups and a penny in one hand. At the starting signal, he returns and runs toward the cups. As he crosses the signal line he is given a directional, signal by the examiner. He continues to the cups indicated by the direction signal and places the penny in that cup. The direction signal is one of the three commands “red”, “white” or “blue”. The time elapsing between the starting signal and the sound of the penny striking in the cup is measured with a stopwatch. The test is repeated four times and the total time for each of the four tests constitutes the score. In testing a group of subjects it would perhaps be better to test are at a time privately, so that the same sequence of direction signals may be called; for example red, blue, yellow, and white. In this way, each subject would be tested under identical conditions.
The final score is the total number of seconds required to perform each of the four tests.